Posted on by Jenny Adams

So you like tattoo sleeves and considering on doing one, but you’re in doubt whether you should do it or not? 

Then a fake tattoo sleeve is just a thing for you!


This guide will help you get the right fake tattoo sleeve to test your tattoo idea.

Let’s start with the most important thing - knowing the difference between fake tattoos!


Difference between ‘fake sleeve tattoo’ and ‘fake tattoo sleeve’

Yes, there is a difference, and not just in wording. 

A fake sleeve tattoo is exactly that - colored sleeve-shaped material you can take on and take off from your arm, just like a shirt. It is made from a light, almost see-through material on which the tattoo is printed. It is washable, stretchable and reusable. But no matter how good the design or high-quality the material is, the cuts on where the sleeve begins and ends are easily visible. These sleeves are also prone to cracking, and those cracks in the material are easily visible. 

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Fake tattoo sleeve is a temporary tattoo design that is printed on a special sheet. It is more convenient to use - you apply the temporary tattoo by placing the sheet directly on the skin. The tattoo design stays blended with skin perfectly in 3-7 days, providing you a very realistic look and feel of a real tattoo. 

In the example below you can see our Owl Eyes Temporary Tattoo that is designed specifically for the forearm.


For more temporary tattoo sleeve ideas visit here. 

Needles to say, if you wanna test your sleeve tattoo idea before getting permanently inked, go with the fake tattoo sleeve as your choice.

Fake tattoo sleeves come in various designs

One of the best things about fake tattoo sleeves is that you can change and upgrade the design as many times as you like! Since adding and removing temporary tattoos is painless and super easy, you can get creative as much as you like. Every second day you can add a detail to your tattoo sleeve design, without overthinking on how it will look. You can make it as short or as long as you want. And if you don’t like it - you just remove it by using a wet cloth. 

For example, people have a lot of doubts when it comes to floral sleeve tattoo. They are undecisive between coloring and black and white design, light details and bold shades, watercolor and dotted tattoo technique, etc. Other things that come into consideration are the tattoo cost, the length of tattooing sessions, will it be painful and what is the recovering process, etc.

 With fake tattoo sleeves, none of these questions matter because you can test all tattoo design ideas and techniques you had in mind, without thinking of pain or high expenses.

 Like this Black & White Floral Sleeve Temporary Tattoo? Get it here.


Like these Temporary Floral Watercolor Tattoo Ideas? Check them out here.

Getting a real tattoo sleeve VS getting a fake tattoo sleeve



The process of getting a tattoo sleeve is extremely painful. If you have a low tolerance to pain it will be very difficult to handle it.

Getting a fake tattoo sleeve is painless and easy process. 

Going through the pain of getting a tattoo sleeve can last for months. 

It takes only a few minutes to apply the tattoo on your skin. All it takes is one try, unless you want to add more temporary tattoos.

You’ll have to go through various sessions before your tattoo is complete. And you may not have enough time to heal up by summer.

No need to worry about time period. Regardless if it’s summer or winter, the tattoo will look fresh and 100% real.

Full sleeve tattoos commonly range from $1,500 to $6,000 in price.

Temporary tattoos range from $3 to $80. They can last 3-7 days.


Need a custom fake tattoo sleeve?

 Check out our Temporary Tattoo Designs or send us your custom design!



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